Nkọwa ngwa ngwa
- Ihe: Carbon ígwè
- Teknụzụ: na-ekpo ọkụ
- Ụdị: Mbelata
- Ebe amụrụ: Hebei, China (Mainland)
- Nọmba nlereanya: Eccentric ebelata
- Aha ika: TM
- Njikọ: ịgbado ọkụ
- Ụdị: Na-ebelata
- Koodu isi: Gburugburu
- ihe: carbon ígwè ihe mgbapụta ọkpọkọ concentric reducerọkpọkọ ọkpọkọ
- Ọkọlọtọ: ANSI
- Ụdị ihe: Enweghị enweghị nkebi, welded nwere ike ịdị ka arịrịọ.
- Nha: 1/2" - 48"
- Elu: Ihe osise, nchara-egbochi mmanụ, Galvanized
Nkwakọ ngwaahịa & nnyefe
carbon ígwè ihe mgbapụta ọkpọkọ concentric reducer ọkpọkọ oyiyi akwa
pịa ebe a ka home page ~~~
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